Special Information for : Invited Scholars


Paper Presenters (in alphabetical order)
Joel Rheuben

Joel Rheuben is an Australian solicitor, currently undertaking postgraduate studies in administrative law at the Graduate Schools of Law and Politics, University of Tokyo. His research focuses mainly on judicial review and freedom of information law, both in Japan and Australia.

Joel obtained combined BA and LLB degrees (with first class honours) at the University of Sydney. After graduating in 2008, Joel joined the Tokyo office of international law firm Herbert Smith, where he worked as an associate until 2012, specializing in corporate, M&A and competition law matters. He assisted a number of Japanese firms with their internal cartel audits as part of the global auto parts investigation.

In addition to having written a number of articles on Japanese law, Joel co-authored the revised edition of Japanese Business Law in Western Languages: An Annotated Selective Bibliography, with Harald Baum, Luke Nottage and Markus Thier. He also contributes regularly to the online forums East Asia Forum (www.eastasiaforum.org) and Japanese Law and the Asia Pacific (blogs.usyd.edu.au/japaneselaw).

Several recent articles are available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=560514
