Special Information for : Invited Scholars


Paper Presenters (in alphabetical order)
Yue Huang
黃 嶽

Huang Yue is a Ph.D Candidate of Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong. His research includes Administrative Law, Constitution, Human Rights, Democratization and political communication. Before entering his Ph.D study in 2009, Huang Yue obtained LLM of human rights from University of Hong Kong, where he was also appointed as a Sohmen Human Rights Scholar.

Huang Yue obtained his LLB degree from China University of Political Science and Law in 2005. He was then admitted to the graduate program of Law School of Peking University, where he was also a research associate of Center of Public Participation Study and Support. Huang Yue obtained his LLM degree on public law in 2007. Before he moved to Hong Kong in 2008, Huang Yue worked one year for an International Organization as a program officer in Beijing, where he funded 30 Chinese law schools to launch their clinic programs.

Besides his academic work, Huang Yue advises several NGOs on their projects in China, including International Bridges to Justice, Center of Women’s Rights Study and Support of Peking University, and Public Interest Law Institute. He is also the interpreter for Chinese human rights lawyers on the Annual Conference of Intentional Bar Association in 2011 in Dubai.

Huang Yue is a visiting scholar of Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica between December, 2010 and May, 2011.
