Special Information for : Invited Scholars


  • 講題: 比較行政法 ─ 邁向課責的行政決策(Comparative Administrative Law: Toward Accountable Executive Policymaking)
  • 講座教授: Susan Rose-Ackerman (Henry R. Luce Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale University)
  • 講座時間: 2012年8月9日(四)上午9:30-10:50
  • 地點: 人文社會科學館三樓第一會議室。
  • Rose-Ackerman 教授與本演說主題相關之文章 [PDF]
本次比較行政法工作坊非常榮幸能夠邀請到耶魯法學院的Susan Rose-Ackerman講座教授來擔任主題演說人。Rose-Ackerman是比較行政法領域的開創先驅,於2009年與Peter Lindseth教授於耶魯法學院首創「比較行政法」研究計畫,並共同編輯出版了《比較行政法》專書(Edward Elgar 2011)。 她目前是耶魯大學Henry R. Luce法學講座教授,任教於法學院及政治學系,同時也在法學院的法律、經濟暨公共政策中心擔任共同主持人。Rose-Ackerman教授近期專書包括:Corruption and Government Causes, Consequences and Reform (1999), Controlling Environmental Policy: The Limits of Public Law in Germany and the United States (1995); Rethinking the Progressive Agenda: The Reform of the American Regulatory State (1992)等。Rose-Ackerman教授曾於法學、經濟學與政治學的期刊發表豐富的著作。她的學術研究範疇包括管制政策與法律之比較、貪污的政治經濟分析、公共政策與行政法,以及法律經濟分析。(如欲了解更多相關訊息,請點閱其個人網頁:http://www.law.yale.edu/faculty/SRose-Ackerman.htm)

Rose-Ackerman 教授將於今年首辦的「亞洲青年學者比較行政法工作坊」進行主題演說,講題為「比較行政法:邁向課責的行政決策」 (Comparative Administrative Law: Toward Accountable Executive Policymaking)。本主題演說將對公眾開放,歡迎想要更了解比較行政法內涵的各界賢達參與、指教。座位有限,請儘速上網報名。由於主題演說結束後,緊接著召開長達二天的閉門會議,恕不供餐。

  • Speaker: Susan Rose-Ackerman (Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence, Law and Political Science, Yale University)
  • Topic: Comparative Administrative Law: Toward Accountable Executive Policymaking
  • Time: 9:30-10:50 am, August 9th, 2012 (Thursday)
  • Venue: Conference Room I, 3rd Floor, Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica
  • Professor Rose-Ackerman's recommended reading material [PDF]
It is our great honor to have Susan Rose-Ackerman, Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence at the Yale Law School and Political Science at Yale University, to give the keynote speech of the inaugural Workshop on Comparative Administrative Law in Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica. Professor Rose-Ackerman is one of the leading scholars in comparative administrative law. She has launched the Comparative Administrative Law Initiative at Yale Law School with Peter Lindseth in 2009 and co-edited the path-breaking volume of Comparative Administrative Law published by Edward Elgar in 2011. Professor Rose-Ackerman is also a renowned scholar in the field of comparative regulatory law and policy, the political economy of corruption, public policy and administrative law, and law and economics. She is co-director of the Center for Law, Economics, and Public Policy at Yale Law School. She is the author of Corruption and Government Causes, Consequences and Reform (1999), Controlling Environmental Policy: The Limits of Public Law in Germany and the United States (1995); Rethinking the Progressive Agenda: The Reform of the American Regulatory State (1992) among various other publications in law, economics and policy journals.
(For more details, please refer to Yale Law School’s webpage: http://www.law.yale.edu/faculty/SRose-Ackerman.htm )

Professor Rose-Ackerman is going to deliver the keynote speech on 9 August, which is the opening event of the First Young Scholars Workshop on Comparative Administrative Law. The title of her speech is “Comparative Administrative Law: Toward Accountable Executive Policymaking”. The keynote speech is open to the public, and we welcome participation from everyone who is interested in this field.

The speech is followed by two days of discussions and debates in a close-door format. Invited Scholars from countries in Asia will present their papers centering the workshop’s theme, “Regulatory Uncertainty and Reason,” in six consecutive sessions. Please be kindly advised, this part of the workshop is not open to the public. Only invited scholars can participate in the six sessions.